When you are planning your journey to and from La Roseraie you can use this rideshare to connect with others who are travelling on the same day.
Look for a matching ride
When you click on a name you can:
- see all details for that ride
- send a message to that person
- change or delete your own ride
If there are no matches announce your own ride
- if you are a driver please mention how many passengers you can take
- if you are a passenger please mention whether you have a driver’s licence or not
- add separate journeys; one for the ride to La Roseraie de Sacha and one for the ride back
Your journey will stay online until one day after the travel date
You will have to edit the journey yourself when it changes (i.e. edit the comments to ‘car is full’ or delete the journey completely when you are a passenger and you have found a ride).

Note: Be aware that in France it is not allowed to have information about speedcameras on your navigation device.
Keep an eye on your SPAM mailbox, Rideshare messages may end up there.
If there are further questions or you need assistence send an email to: admin@laroseraiedesacha.com
We wish you all a safe and pleasant journey!